
空音 唱(くおん・しょう)作曲家・ピアニスト。
20年以上の歳月をかけ、気功治療などを続けながら、オリジナル曲の創作活動を開始。作曲は独学。ピアノのタッチについても、障がいを克服するため、ほぼ独学で独自の奏法を探し続けている。 そこから作りだされる音は、豊かな、独特な響き、世界観を醸し出し、他では聴けないものと評される。
また、演奏の真剣さとは、全く異なるギャップの爆笑トークを交えるスタイルで、全国各地で、コンサートを多数開催。 東京府中の森芸術劇場ウィーンホール、杉並公会堂、福岡FFGホール、愛知、鹿児島県民交流センター県民ホールなどの大規模なホールから、各地の小規模スタジオ、教会、お寺、学校での演奏を継続。 また、福岡・糸島の自宅スタジオでは、こだわりぬいた音響と、自分の音に作り上げている相棒(=ピアノ)を使った音の空間を体感して頂きたいと、「自宅スタジオコンサート」を継続開催している。 一方、ニューヨークに単身渡航。アポなしで、つたない英語を駆使し、ライブハウスに飛び入り出演。大喝采を浴びる。
そのユニークなキャラクターゆえに、ラジオ番組出演の際にも、「異色の音楽家」と紹介される。 曲は、詩情豊かな曲から、大迫力の躍動感あふれるものまで幅広く、会場を大きなエネルギーの渦に巻き込み、はじめてコンサートを体験した方の殆どから、驚きとともに、気分がスッキリした、元気がでた、との感想を多数寄せられている。障害をかかえての活動は、西日本新聞には、以前から、たびたび取り上げられたが、南日本新聞のコラム「南点」に「奇跡のピアニスト」として、掲載された。 

Composer and pianist. Graduated from Kyushu University (Faculty of Science), in southern part of Japan. When she was eleven, Sho Kuon was attacked by an Akita dog and her shoulders were seriously injured, which left her difficulties of movement in her shoulders and fingers. Over more than twenty years, she has been trying Qigong and other treatment measures to improve her physical problem, and she started composing original works all on her own without any formal musical education. Ever since, Sho Kuon has been endeavoring to develop unique method of piano playing which enables her to express her music world in spite of the shoulder and finger difficulties. One can recognize the effect of this method by listening to the way her fingers touch the keyboards. 
  In order to achieve ideal sounds best fit to the image of each of her pieces, Sho Kuon pays particular attention to the vibration of the piano string for each sound, and also to the resonance with strings of other sound. Thus she creates unique piano sounds found nowhere else, with a rich and original note which leads her listeners to her own musical world. 
  Sho Kuon`s concerts are characterized by a spark contrast between her serious piano performances and the hilarious talks she likes to make during her live shows. Many of her works, with her performance many call "singing piano", have mesmerizing poetic sentiment, and loved by all generations, from small children to senior citizens. Her repertoire also includes very dynamic pieces, which drives, with her personal groove, the audience into full excitement. Most of those who come to her concert for the first time are surprised by the quality of her works and uniqueness of her way of performance. Sho Kuon has so far published four CDs, which are not limited to piano solos but also include ensemble with various instruments such as Chinese fiddle, violin, female vocal (soprano) and/or chorus. Listening to her works featuring all these is a real experience. 
  Sho Kuon likes joking "more than three meals of a day", according to a traditional Japanese expression. 
  Her name Sho Kuon (pronounced "koo, on, show") is a combination of Chinese characters 空(sky), 音(sound), 唱(to sing). 



http://www.facebook.com/shokuon フェイスブック